Hi everyone!
First of all, I really would like to thank everyone for applying for a spot on our design team. As predicted, we had a high number of interested people.. which makes me happy you all wish to join our team here, yet.. it makes me anxious as to how I can possibly decide. So, I have decided to enlist the help of the current design team. I am going through all the applications right now, and am making a shortlist and as a team we will decide who will be in the new team! Well.. that kind of makes me feel a little better I must add. I never want to be the bad guy.. LOL so .. now if you get mad you can get mad at the whole team not just me LOL!
So anyway, I will announce the new team as soon as possible!
Lets get on with our winners. A record number of entries again this month! THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Please dont forget to check in on our Facebook page in the next day or so to see who the random winner of the 13arts paints will be!!
WIlma all I will tell you, is that you were a very clear winner... I think you got a point from almost all the team! Well done, you have won the prize from our main sponsor this month which is the STUNNING October Kit Of The Month "Farmers Market" from The Flying Unicorn!
Lucky you! Please email Alda at cs@flyingunicornllc.com and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
Wilma you are also invited to come back in December as our Guest Designer. Please contact me , Nadia, at nadiac78@hotmail.com so I can send you all the information you need! Well done to you!!
2. Frau-Muller (Ukraine)

For your efforts you have won an Imaginarium Designs chipboard pack full at AU$50.00 shipped to you free! Please contact Natalie May from Imaginarium Designs at natmay@adam.com.au . Please put "OUAS June Winner" in the subject field.
3. Taniko (Ukraine)

Good work! As our winner you have won a Scraps of Elegance main kit valued at US$35.95 value, shipped to you free Priority shipping within the USA, or free First Class shipping for international winners! Please email Melinda Kelly at mkelly@scrapsofdarkness.com and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
4. Jelissa (Singapore)

Well done to you. You have won a Julia Cotrim Scrapbooking patterned paper and canvas collection with free domestic and international shipping. Please email Julia Cotrimat julia.cotrim@terra.com.br and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.

Congratulations! You have won a US$25.00 gift voucher at The Flying Unicorn online store and kit club, with free domestic and international shipping ! Please email Alda Stevens at cs@flyingunicornllc.com and Shona Kheen at skeehnsic@gmail.com and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
Now, here are a couple more entries that that received high marks and we just believe they needed to be featured too..I really wish I could have more prizes to send to you but I dont:( So please know we loved your layouts too!
Can all the above winners please grab your winners badge..
1. Cathy Cafun's pick for October is..
Yuko Tanaka (Japan)
You have won a prize pack from SA Crafters valued at US$15.00 shipped to you for free! Please email SA Crafters at sa.anderson@mac.com and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
2. Hilde Aaslund's pick for October was..
Heather McMahon (Australia)

Congrats to you for being a Designer's pick. You have also won a prize pack to the value of 15.00 Euro from Get Creative Embellishments . Please email Irini Liolia at lioliairini@yahoo.co.uk and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
3. Renata Moni's pick for October is..
Sue Smith (new Zealand)

Great work! Besides being a Designer's Pick you have also won a prize pack valued at AU$20.00 from Njoyfull Crafts shipped to you for free! Please email Njoyfull Crafts at njoyfullcrafts@gmail.com and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
4. Svetlana Austin's pick for October is..
Pam Ellis (Canada)
Well done !!You have won yourself a ribbon pack from Scrapbooking Fantasies valued at over AU$10.00 shipped to you for free! Please email Alicia at scrapbookfantasies@bigpond.com and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
5. Chantalle McDaniel's pick for October is..
Lynnda (Australia)

Congratulations for being a Designer's Pick you have won a AUS$25.00 prize pack from Sassy Scrappers with free domestic and international shipping. Please email Olga at sassyscrapper@wideband.net.au and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
The entry picked via Random.org that has won a ribbon pack from Scrapbooking Fantasies is:
Please email Alicia at scrapbookfantasies@bigpond.com and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
The entry picked via Random.org that has won the $10.00 ,voucher to is Little Blue Button Stamps is
Please contact Olga at lbbstamps@gmail.com. and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.
The entry picked via Random.org that has won the Fancy Flair Designs store voucher is
Please contact Fancy Flair designs at overman25@live.com and please put "OUAS Winner" in the subject field.